Thursday, August 22, 2013

House tour - part 1 (Photos Only)

It seems like each time we move it takes longer to unpack than previous. Maybe we're just worn out, or perhaps we're secretly willing ourselves not to move again (the last 3 moves have been almost exactly within 6 months of unpacking our last box). Needless to say, we're not moving at light speed unpacking and settling in. Here's where we are so far. 


So far we've hung a few things on the wall and moved in our furniture. I also replaced the microwave out of necessity. This was the first time I've ever witnessed a microwave die. It started sparking, flaming, and then lighting our food on fire...needless to say it needed to go. Unfortunately they don't make a replacement so we had to get a new one (for future reference, built-in microwaves are the only thing MORE expensive than over-the-range microwaves, this one was about $400 to replace). So our first trip to Metro Appliances in Maumelle was set. If you haven't been this is an excellent place, we will likely get ALL our appliances from here in the future. Great service, AMAZING inventory, and it's really a one-stop-shop for everything you could want (also it's local, which we prefer to support when possible).

We have plans to replace the countertops (probably keep the backslash, we like the aged tile with diamond inset). 

Half Bath (Hallway):

So far we hung a new mirror and that's it. I love the reflection of Jen and KK in this photo!

Living Room:

We've moved our furniture in, hung a sconce and shadow boxes (nothing in them yet), hung the TV over the fireplace.

We need to find a piece of furniture to hold the media stuff as well as cable management (I'm not sure on this whether we're going in the wall, or on the wall).

Well that's about it so far. I'll update with more soon...

Thursday, August 1, 2013

We're Moved In!!

God is SOO Good! Every time I feel like we've reached a new point of providence/blessing He shows us a new opportunity to trust and be rewarded. 

Life has been a blur for the last two months. So here are the highlights:

Paul has transitioned jobs. He left Windstream in June and is starting a new Kitchen and Bath Remodeling business...where you ask? Little Rock! So you guessed it, we decided to move HOME!

So we moved back last month and stayed with Jen's parents while we looked for a new place to live.

Initially we weren't sure if we would be able to get a loan, buy a house, etc. So we were preparing ourselves to have to rent. In short, we were able to secure a loan. So we set about on finding THE HOUSE.

This was more difficult than we had expected, but thanks to the help of our realtor (and new friend...really if you're in the market call me for her info, she's the best I've worked with!) we fell in lurve! Then we saw the price tag...tears...WAY over our budget. Why would she show it to us?? "oh ye of little faith[...]" In short, she knew something we didn't and we left the price up to her... after about 3 days of agonizing patience she called, it was in our range!

The next month was a blur of inspections, paperwork, fighting the bank (if given an option, never again will I get a loan through a bank with out of state underwriters) and coordinating. The end result??

We're so excited!

On top of this we're now all-in with the remodeling business and targeting to open our showroom and fabrication center in October. This will be the first of its kind in AR, we're pumped to bring Granite Transformations to the South!

Where's the "WHY"?

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Week 27 - Kennedy Weekly Portraits

So she's officially over 6 months, on to the next big chapter...oh yeah, here's this week's photo.

Life just seems to get busier and busier. Like many in the midwest this year, summer can't come quickly enough with it's promise of warm days and leisure. But for now Jen and I are doing our best to cherish the time we have with our little girl. Tomorrow is May 1st and we've officially taken 2 family walks outside (with the forecast of snow on Thursday it's not looking like winter is EVER GOING TO END).

You've probably noticed the most of the home projects have come to a halt recently (because we have so much extra time on our hands), so my intention to document our updates to this house have been an epic fail... 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Week 26 - Kennedy Weekly Portraits

Perspective is a funny thing. It holds the key to meaning in all that we say and do. For instance, earlier in my life I enjoyed "relaxing" by playing a round of golf, going for a workout, or some other activity. Now the work "relax" holds an entirely different meaning. It might signify sneaking in a 30 minute nap on a Sunday afternoon, enjoying a book, or even just sitting for a few minutes in the evening talking with Jen while laundry hums in the background. Life changes perspective and in turn our definitions. One of the most significant re-definitions I've learned is LOVE. Before marriage, it was just a feeling, before KK it was a commitment, now it's an overwhelming privilege. To be able to love and be loved is humbling and charging simultaneously. I can't imagine life without THIS kind of love and yet I've only defined it in these terms for a short while.

I wish many more new definitions as life pours out experiences on each of us!